First, we want you all to know that North State Medical is committed to staying open and serving Person County during this pandemic. We have implemented several new protocols and polices. We are unsure how long they will stay in place, however, we expect it will be until the CDC or other health officials advise it to be a safe option to re-open our doors. 

We are currently triaging patients over the phone and creating either a virtual visit or drive thru visit.  This allows us to still serve our patients while keeping both them and us as safe as possible from the spread of COVID-19. 

The CDC and other health agencies are learning more about the coronavirus every hour. But, what we do know is that social distancing is working and will continue to work as long as we all do our part. The graph below shows how social distancing can and will work if practiced. 

Reminder: Please be wise when reading news stories. There are a lot of fake news articles rolling around the internet. Some great sites/resources are: