Patient Forms
Below are a list of commonly used forms at our practice. Please use them at your convenience.
Health Links
Below are links you may find helpful when making good choices for your health and well-being. Please click below for more information.

General Medical & Health Services Information:
Behavioral Health Links:
- Eating Disorder Treatment Providers in NC
- NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities & Substance Abuse
- Eastern NC Alzheimer’s Association
Memory Health Links:
High Cholesterol:
Tobacco Use/Smoking Cessation:
Apps for Health:
- My Fitness Pal – Free app that lets you log activity and food intake and syncs up with activity trackers and fitness gadgets like Fitbit, Jawbone UP and Runtastic.
- Healow – free app that allows you to access your medical records on your mobile devices.
- SmokeFree Apps – free apps for your phone that can help when you quit smoking.
- WebMD Allergy Apps – Free app with local pollen counts and tips to beat allergy symptoms.